Happy Birthday Kiddos!
Darth Maul-Grey bear's birthday was today, and Morgan's is tomorrow so we decided to throw a joint birthday bash this evening. All Grey wanted was a Darth Maul cake. He has been talking about it for over a month. I designated Brian to do Grey's cake. When he saw it, he was overjoyed!

AND so excited to be four!

Does his expression not say it all? I asked him what his favorite part of today was and promptly replied "Eating my Darth Maul cake and all of the frosting"
Phineas- (or as Morgan calls him "Ferb")I am thrilled with Morgan's current obsession with "Phineas and Ferb" on the Disney channel. I have always loved this cartoon, it totally cracks me up and now I have someone to watch and laugh with. She is particularly obsessed with Ferb (who is actually Phineas) She also was thrilled with her cake and responded with "Ferb! Ferb cake nummy"

Cake time did not come soon enough, she asked all day to eat Ferb.

If you have to share a birthday, at least they don't need to share a cake. Quite the pair!

Cake anyone? We have a little bit left over :)

Bear also was thrilled to have his VERY OWN mini Star Wars figures and doesn't need to break, I mean, borrow, William's anymore. He aslo got Rex from "Toy Story", whom he used to gobble up the Star Wars figures. Spoiled.....and very loved.

I was so excited to give Mo her Phineas doll. She squealed when she opened it. She also got a baby that squawks and says momma, she squealed when she opened the baby. And some littlest pet shop animals which her brothers gave her, which she promptly kissed after opening. And zoomed her My little Pony car for a good portion of the evening. SPOILED! She is such a good girl, and a little spoilage isn't so bad right?