Sunday, December 14, 2008


I don't know what it is, but my kids LOVE ramen. I called my sis-in law to see if their family liked Ramen Noodles and I was shocked when she said NO! (I was calling to ask her this because we had their names for Christmas and she wanted food storage) I joked with her saying that how can you not like the fact that you can have an entire meal for like 15 cents! She quickly reminded me that Grey is getting his sodium intake for the year in this one bowl of soup. These Fulks boys do love them some salt. Brian takes his salt with extra sodium, so they definitely get that from their Dad.
Doesn't he make this look so appetizing!


Holly Strong said...

My kids and hubby LOVE ramen. I usually toss some peas or broccoli in it and it's even better and healthier.

Ambyr said...

Nathan loves Ramen, I can't eat it anymore because it was one of those "pregnancy foods" for me that I just can't bring myself to do anymore! I love the bump still on his forehead! He's totally cute, I bet he and Austin would love to play together, I think they are the same age almost!

Rachel said...

I need to teach my kids to like ramen!

Katie Jane said...

Who doesn't love a cheap meal. That means more Carl's Guac burgers for you right? I miss you. You want to play?

Nicole Marsh said...

I have a really good reciepe that uses ramon, chicken, and carrots. I will send it too you.
I think that the best part about ramon is the salt. haha. I love your picture.

Stacy said...

Maybe it's the bruise, but he looks totally cross eyed. Maybe he's just sucking the noodles so hard they went crossed.