Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Thanks Mom, Dinner was delicious!
I was feeling all healthy like and wanted to try a new recipe last night. Cashew Chicken, the picture looked so yummy so I figured that I would give it a try. After going to Target, forgetting my wallet, driving home to get my wallet, going back to Target, then to Wal-mart to get my veggies, I got the kids ready for their naps and was ready to chop my veggies and realized that the carrots that I had picked out were missing. I checked my receipt and I didn't pay for them. I remember getting them and putting them in a bag, but alas they did not make it home with me. So I put the kids in the car again and run to Harmons to buy the stupid carrots. Finally after all the shopping and chopping and stir frying, dinner was done, and we sat down together to eat. In the stir Fry there was, chicken, zucchini, carrots, cabbage, mushrooms and onions and of course, rice. I must first ask this question "Can you get your kids to eat veggies?" I have such a hard time getting my children to eat them so I started dinner with a little speech that went something like this "heavenly father gave us these amazing bodies and that we need to fill them with things that are good for us. Vegetables are included on this list of things that are good for us, so we need to learn to love them and try new things." Dad follows up with, "now I don't want to hear one "I don't like this" while you are eating tonight." And so we begin eating, Grey of course fights us the entire time, nothing new, and Will chokes down several bites with a forced smile on his face and says "yummy" while grimacing to force the food down his throat. After I finish my dinner I try to help Will eat a little faster by helping him take a bite. He chews for a second, gags, and then promptly throws up what he has managed to choke down. COME ON, THEY ARE FREAKING VEGETABLES! Am I asking too much to get my kids to branch out from corn and peas? Maybe I need to do baby steps and not force a whole plate of new things on them. I on the other hand thought that it was delicious, but apparently not very kid friendly. I am so glad I went to all the effort of making it.
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The stir fry sounds great! I got lucky, Austin loves veggies but they are almost all I eat. I love them too!! Austin likes to watch me make dinner and chop all the veggies and always wants to try them. I had a harder time getting him to eat meat. Good luck. Austin likes most veggies raw instead of cooked and that includes mushrooms!
Too funny. My kids aren't fans of veggies being mixed with other things, but if they are seperate it usally works a little better. Who knows maybe they are becoming a little OCD like mommy.... keep it up, you are amazing.
Kids are great aren't they! I have a hard time getting Nathan to eat more than hot dog and yogurt. My sister is a nutritionist and I she is writing a book of reciepes that are healthy and kid friendly.I can pass some of them along to you if you want.
I think that your meal sounded really good!
I love how you incorporated Heavenly Father into the meal. I am going to try that. Well, to answer your question: Me marrying Lane was the clashing of two families. Veggie lovers and haters. So I was intent on making sure my kids would eat the veggies. I did great when I had one kid by giving him veggies you normally wouldn't give a one year old and holding off on the junk food. I don't know if he would have liked them either way, or if it was the introduction at such a young age, but he eats them. When Eli turned one I was working and just trying to get by so sadly, I fell off the veggie wagon and am just now trying to get my kids back on it. Eli usually won't eat them, so, I do what my FIL did with his kids: "no eat, no treat" and if they eat they get a treat that is usually a fruity dessert but the nastier they find the meal, the better the dessert so sometimes cookies and such. However, this still isn't going over too well with Eli. I hope it will someday but for now I just give him what I know he will eat while still trying to bribe him to eat what he won't eat. They LOVE grape tomatoes. Sorry if TMI.
Wow! What an eventful day. Kids can be sooo stubborn. Just keep trying.
Hailey has issues with anythign that isn't chicken nuggets. Ha ha I am a bad mom. I woudl keep trying though. I just keep offering her and I figure sometime she will do it. That dinner sounds yummy. I will come eat the boys next time! I can get Hailey to eat some stir frys with veggies though./ And she will eat the rice bowl at Rumbi which was a big step in getting her to eat some veggies! I'd love the receipe of that food.
I have to comment about the throw up. Sorry, everyone else was helpful and encouraging...but I love the throw up story! I can't count the number of times that has happened at my house. I force somebody to take a bite and before I know it...puke. One time I made Carson eat an entire bowl of tomato soup. After he finished the very last bite, he lurched, horked up every last drop....and it landed right back in his bowl, still warm! ha ha ha!
Don't stress too much, just keep having the good stuff available and part of your routine and eventually they will probably develop a liking to it.
PS: How are MO's ears?
Okay, I just watched the entire episode because I was confused about Deanna coming back not realizing it was at the end. So, I think that is lame! Duh! I can't wait to see how it all plays out.
Ah, yes, the gagging, the barfing... it all sounds so familiar to me. Why, you might ask? Because that is a daily thing at our house! Seriously, Cam has to have a glass of something to drink besides water right next to him if he is to eat a (yes I said "a")green bean! He gags and we just have to laugh and tell him it's not going to stop us from having our vegies. Mushrooms are the bottom line for him though, I hate cleaning up barf! They'll learn someday- I remember telling my mom that I hated every meal- and they still give me crap for it!
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