Thursday, December 3, 2009

"What's a Christmas Graham, I want one....."

The first person to leave a comment correctly identify the quote from my title will receive a FREE Christmas Graham!


I have been debating whether or not to do this, but I decided I needed to give it a try. As many of you know, economic times are tough and as I was watching the news last night, I realized that I should do something. I had this idea of a "Christmas Graham" last year and thought how fun it would be to send them to people. A "Christmas Graham" is a Hershey chocolate, or cookies and cream bar, wrapped in a beautiful Christmas wrapper with a personal message to someone you LOVE. Nothing can replace the feeling that you get when you get something unexpected in the mail and even better, they get chocolate and even better yet, what if the money from that "Christmas Graham" went to The Salvation Army?? So this is where you come in. I know that ALL of you out there know of at least one person that deserves a Christmas graham, maybe even 2 people :) You can customize what you would like your Christmas Graham to say. There is a place on the front and back for text. Better yet, I do all the work. I am selling them for $5.00 Each. It costs me approx 1.75 to make and ship your graham and that means that $3.25 will go to the salvation army for each Graham that you send. They are really hurting in donations this year and I figured that would be a great place to give the money. So PLEASE, PLEASE help me out. You can brighten someones day and make a needed donation. I really want this to work, but I can't do it alone. Today I am sending 7 Grahams myself and for every 5 Grahams, I will donate and send another one. SO the more we do this, the more money we can raise for the salvation army. I will post a running total everyday on my blog.
And if you are still not convinced, what if I put a picture of a cute little boy holding a Christmas Graham would that inspire you? Look at those eyes, I know you cannot resist :) Okay! You ready to help? First, you can put a post about this on your blog, or e-mail to friends and family to help spread the word. It is shocking how many people that I don't know :)
Please send me an e-mail ( how many Christmas Grahams you would like, what bar style, and I need the names, text you want on the bar, and addresses. I will send you a paypal invoice where you can pay with Credit card or paypal (I am covering the paypal transaction fee) Once the payment is received I will get your grahams in the mail.
Here are the four design options. Thank you all and if you can, please help. I will also accept additional donations and will add it to the total. I am going to do this until the 23rd, but don't wait too long, I need to get these mailed.


PrincessKatie said...

I Love it and oh how I miss you!

Kylene said...

ELF! The quote is from Elf! What a great idea Toni. You are so creative and these look so yummy. Good Luck with this project. I'll take two please! I'll email you with the info. :)

Katie Jane said...

NO!!!!! I was supposed to be the winner! I am in love and I don't care who knows it! Seriously they are adorable!

Katie Jane said...

Okay so I commented before I read your entire, seriously cool. Who says you aren't deep...they are wrong. Super cool Ton, super cool. You know when I put "Ton" I am thinking "Tone" right? Anyway, I am putting you on my blog ASAP

Warth Family said...

Toni, I'm in! I'll take two, you know I love to support a good cause! Remember the New Moon auction! For all the people you don't know, I do know so I'll be sure to spread the word!